Smartphone camera technology has evolved rapidly over the last two years.

 Dual and triple lens setups are now the norm, with new technology being introduced to many different upcoming smartphones. Honor is focusing on a TOF camera which is combined with the massive 48MP sensor on the Honor View20.HONOR View20 designers chose TOF 3D over structured light for the following reasons:

⦁ The “surface light” transmitted by TOF 3D is highly sustainable over a long distance, so its working range is far greater than the TrueDepth camera.
⦁ The TOF 3D sensor supports a higher frame rate and is therefore more powerful in real-time performance. It is ideal for capturing movement in 3D motion-controlled gaming.
⦁ TOF 3D consumes less power in the same amount of time.
The sensor’s magic is enhanced by the powerful Kirin 980 processor, granting the HONOR View20 a myriad of 3D functions.

Up until this point, camera improvements

 have been limited to image quality and speed. The Honor View20 brings improvements that will enable all sorts of new 3D and AR technology. This is truly a camera improvement that is going to affect much more than just your photos. Augmented reality (AR) and holographic projection have spread their wings recently, but it’ll be long before they can truly take flight — not until cost and portability issues are improved.

HONOR smartphone designers believe 3D

is the trend of future tech innovation, and that mobile phones are the best platform for it. That is how the HONOR View20 came into being, as a daring exploration into this field.An essential part of TOF 3D is 3D structured light technology, which was a really important step in the evolution of 3D imagery.

3D structured light technology 

was first made widely available in the iPhone X, whose TrueDepth camera uses a dot projector to send out a large number of light dots and then reads the pattern as they reach the target surface, forming a structural diagram.


is a much more advanced version of this type of technology. The TOF sensor measures the time it takes for the light to reach its target and the return back to the sensor. It then calculates the distance in-between using that time and the speed of light. So instead of using a limited number of dots to maps the 3D space, a large amount of light can be used to connect every bit of surface in your 3D area.